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Best Online Stock Trading Brokers for 2018 If you’re looking for a way to build more wealth in 2018, getting started with one of the best online brokerage accounts is a solid first step. Doing so will allow you to invest outside your traditional retirement accounts and on your own terms. The best part is, the best online brokerage firms charge little or no fees and offer excellent resources that can help you learn more about investing along the way. Of course, not all brokerage firms are created equal, and that’s why we took the time to break down each of their details and rank the top options on an array of factors. If you’re looking for a new way to invest this year and are ready to strike out on your own, the following online brokerage accounts should be at the top of your list.What Matters When You Trade Stocks on Your Own? Managing your own money can be a stressful endeavor. To minimize this, and to minimize information overload that tends to come from watching the markets 24/7, there are a few must-haves to look for in an online broker. Clean interface. When I trade, I want to be able to easily find my order entry ticket. I don’t want it buried under a number of drop downs. This interface should have intuitive access to see your balance, available cash, positions with real time P/L and all be easily navigated. Quick access to basic charting. A chart tells me where the stock has been recently. I don’t trade minute to minute anymore, so I don’t need complex tools like stochastics or retracement lines. All that’s important is that I have a basic chart on a yearly, monthly, weekly, daily and intra day time period. I use a chart to see current price relative to those time periods, mainly to avoid purchasing at a bad price. Low fees. One of the biggest roadblocks to building wealth is fees incurred to invest your hard-earned dollars. Because the fees charged by different brokerage firms vary so dramatically, it’s crucial to seek out options that charge low fees (or no fees) for account management and trades. There are over 50 online brokerages where you can open an account. Beyond the my three rules above, best online brokerage accounts aren’t just for trading stocks. Sure, many of them started as online stock trading accounts, but now they’re full-fledged trading, saving, investing, retirement planning, and banking machines. This industry is more complex than the average person thinks. You shouldn’t just pick any online broker and sign up for an account. The best online broker for one person is often completely different for the next person. Use this resource as a guide to your decision process. Figure out what features are best for you, and make your selection. What Makes a Great Online Broker? I analyzed a number of elements to come to my decision on which brokers are the best. Later in this post, I provide full details on how I selected the best online brokerages. When you take all the features, resources, trading platforms, and technology into account (while also considering every type of trader), the full-service brokers, like E*TRADE and TD Ameritrade are the best for the largest number of people. For those simply looking to make cheap trades, I would recommend going with Optionshouse. If you’re a very advanced trader, high-volume trader, or a professional who manages money, I recommend going with Interactive Brokers. However, I didn’t include Interactive Brokers on my list because they’re best for a very small group of traders and the platform is very complex. Top Qualities of Standout Online Trading Platforms Quality trading tools and technology Multiple trading platforms for all levels of traders Excellent mobile trading features Solid navigation that displays the relevant information where you want it Quality educational resources and research for trader development There’s more to selecting an online broker than price. You have to consider the resources you’re getting for the cost you pay per trade. For example, my colleague, who is also an ex-trader, likes to use a combination of stock and options trade in his longer-term trading. He recently switched over to Fidelity because he really liked the cash management features, but was very disappointed by complex order entry, sub-par options execution and frustrating navigation. He’s currently making the switch to one of the brokers I profile here.
Best Online Stock Trading Brokers for 2018 If you’re looking for a way to build more wealth in 2018, getting started with one of the best online brokerage accounts is a solid first step. Doing so will allow you to invest outside your traditional retirement accounts and on your own terms. The best part is, the best online brokerage firms charge little or no fees and offer excellent resources that can help you learn more about investing along the way. Of course, not all brokerage firms are created equal, and that’s why we took the time to break down each of their details and rank the top options on an array of factors. If you’re looking for a new way to invest this year and are ready to strike out on your own, the following online brokerage accounts should be at the top of your list.What Matters When You Trade Stocks on Your Own? Managing your own money can be a stressful endeavor. To minimize this, and to minimize information overload that tends to come from watching the markets 24/7, there are a few must-haves to look for in an online broker. Clean interface. When I trade, I want to be able to easily find my order entry ticket. I don’t want it buried under a number of drop downs. This interface should have intuitive access to see your balance, available cash, positions with real time P/L and all be easily navigated. Quick access to basic charting. A chart tells me where the stock has been recently. I don’t trade minute to minute anymore, so I don’t need complex tools like stochastics or retracement lines. All that’s important is that I have a basic chart on a yearly, monthly, weekly, daily and intra day time period. I use a chart to see current price relative to those time periods, mainly to avoid purchasing at a bad price. Low fees. One of the biggest roadblocks to building wealth is fees incurred to invest your hard-earned dollars. Because the fees charged by different brokerage firms vary so dramatically, it’s crucial to seek out options that charge low fees (or no fees) for account management and trades. There are over 50 online brokerages where you can open an account. Beyond the my three rules above, best online brokerage accounts aren’t just for trading stocks. Sure, many of them started as online stock trading accounts, but now they’re full-fledged trading, saving, investing, retirement planning, and banking machines. This industry is more complex than the average person thinks. You shouldn’t just pick any online broker and sign up for an account. The best online broker for one person is often completely different for the next person. Use this resource as a guide to your decision process. Figure out what features are best for you, and make your selection. What Makes a Great Online Broker? I analyzed a number of elements to come to my decision on which brokers are the best. Later in this post, I provide full details on how I selected the best online brokerages. When you take all the features, resources, trading platforms, and technology into account (while also considering every type of trader), the full-service brokers, like E*TRADE and TD Ameritrade are the best for the largest number of people. For those simply looking to make cheap trades, I would recommend going with Optionshouse. If you’re a very advanced trader, high-volume trader, or a professional who manages money, I recommend going with Interactive Brokers. However, I didn’t include Interactive Brokers on my list because they’re best for a very small group of traders and the platform is very complex. Top Qualities of Standout Online Trading Platforms Quality trading tools and technology Multiple trading platforms for all levels of traders Excellent mobile trading features Solid navigation that displays the relevant information where you want it Quality educational resources and research for trader development There’s more to selecting an online broker than price. You have to consider the resources you’re getting for the cost you pay per trade. For example, my colleague, who is also an ex-trader, likes to use a combination of stock and options trade in his longer-term trading. He recently switched over to Fidelity because he really liked the cash management features, but was very disappointed by complex order entry, sub-par options execution and frustrating navigation. He’s currently making the switch to one of the brokers I profile here.

Kumpulan Soal Pendidikan Agama Islam [Pai] Dan Jawabannya [Smp]

Kumpulan Soal Tugas Pendidikan Agama Islam [PAI] Dan Jawabannya Tingkat SMP, Soal-soal ini juga bisa buat latihan Cerdas Cermat PAI

Kumpulan Soal Tugas Pendidikan Agama Islam  Kumpulan Soal Pendidikan Agama Islam [PAI] Dan Jawabannya [SMP]
Kumpulan Soal Pendidikan Agama Islam [PAI] Dan Jawabannya

  1. Rukun doktrin yang ketiga........................( Iman kepada Kitab).
  2. Kitab yang diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw.................  (Al Quran).
  3. Kitab yang diturunkan kepada Nabi Musa As.................. (Taurat).
  4. Kitab yang diturunkan kepada Nabi Isa As....................... ( Injil).
  5. Kitab yang diturunkan kepada Nabi Daud As................  ( Zabur ).
  6. Wahyu  Allah yang masih berupa lembaran-lembaran................ (Suhuf)
  7. Kitab Taurat ditulis dengan memakai bahasa................. (Ibrani)
  8. Kitab Zabur ditulis dengan menggunkan bahasa.................................( Qibti )
  9. Kitab Inzil  ditulis dengan memakai bahasa................   (Suryani)
  10. Kitab Al Alquran ditulis dengan memakai bahasa........... (Arab ).
  11. Isi antara kitab-kitab Allah mempunyai persamaan dalam bidang kepercayaan yaitu.......... ( Mengesakan Allah/ Tauhid)
  12. Kapan Al Alquran pertama kali diturunkan Allah.............  (17 Ramadhan tahun ke 40 dari kelahiran Nabi / 6 agustus 610 M ).
  13. Surat apa dan ayat berapa wahyu pertama diterima Nabi Muhammad Saw...... ( Surat Al ’Alaq : 1-5 )
  14. Surat apa dan ayat berapa wahyu terakhir diterima Nabi Muhammad Saw...  ( Surat Al Maidah : 3 )
  15. Selama berapa tahun Al Alquran diturunkan Allah kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw............ ( 23 tahun / 22 tahun 2 bulan 22 hari ).
  16. Ada berapa jumlah Surat dalam Al Quran............. ( 114 surat)
  17. Berapa jumlah juz dalam Al Quran...................( 30 Juz )
  18. Berapa jumlah ayat dalam  Al Quran...................( 6666 ayat ).
  19. Peristiwa diturunkannya Al Alquran disebut.................. (Nuzulul Alquran )
  20. Periode Makkiyah berlangsung selama....................... ( 13 tahun )
  21. Periode Madaniyah berlangsung selama................( 10 tahun ).
  22. Di manakah Ayat Al Alquran  diturunkan terakhir .................. (padang Arafah )
  23. Berapakah jumlah surat Al Alquran yang diturunkan di periode Mekkah.............. (86 Surat ).
  24. Berapakah jumlah surat Al Alquran yang diturunkan di periode Madinah............ (28 Surat ).
  25. Apa nama Surat  terpanjang dalam Al Alquran ................... (Al Baqarah )
  26. Apa nama surat  terpendek dalam Al Quran.....................  ( Al Kausar ).
  27. Dalam melakukan dakwah Nabi Isa As dibantu  dua belas orang muridnya yang dalam Islam disebut golongan........... ( Hawariyun ).
  28. Sebutkan nama-nama murid Nabi Isa as....... (Andreas, Simon Petrus, Barnabas, Matius, Yahya bin Zabdi, Ya’kub bin Zabdi, Thadeus, Yahuda, Bartholomeus, Pilipus, Ya’kub bin Al Fius, dan Yahuda iskariot)
  29. Apa nama lain Al Alquran sebagai pembeda antara yang benar dan yang bathil........ ( Al Furqan).
  30. Surat Al Maidah ayat 3 sebagai wahyu terakhir diturunkan Allah kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw ketika melaksanakan....................( haji wada’ )
  31. Kenapa Ayat  Al Alquran diturunkan secara berangsur-angsur.......................... (Agar gampang dihafal/ dimengerti, ada ayat yang merupakan balasan atas sebuah pertanyaan).
  32. Siapakah  nama sahabat Nabi Muhammad yang dikenal sebagai penulis Al Quran. ........................( Zaid bin Sabit ).
  33. Al Alquran sebelum dibukukan pada zaman Usman Bin Affan dikumpulkan terlebih dahulu di rumah Istri Nabi Muhammad yang bernama.....................( Hafsah ).
  34. Nama pengelompokkan tujuh surat  dalam Al Alquran yang sangat panjang .....(Assab’uththiwal ).
  35. Nama pengelompokkan surat  dalam Al Alquran yang ayatnya lebih dari 100 ayat .....(Al Ma’un)
  36. Nama pengelompokkan surat  dalam Al Alquran yang kurang dari 100 ayat........( Al Masani )
  37. Nama pengelompokkan surat-surat pendek  dalam Al Alquran yang.............( Al Mufassal ).
  38. Penulisan Al Alquran  yang dibukukan pada zaman khalifah Usman Bin Affan dikenal sebagai.......   (Mushaf Usmani).
  39. Pengumpulan ayat-ayat Al Alquran dilakukan masa khalifah.........  (Abu bakar As sidiq ).
  40. Dalam penulisan Al Alquran surat apa yang pertama.......................( Al Fatihah).
  41. Dalam penulisan Al Alquran surat apa yang terakhir...............  ( An Naas ).
  42. Rukun doktrin yang ke empat.................  (Iman kepad Rasul ).
  43. Apa pengertian Nabi....................... (seseorang  yang mendapatkan wahyu dari Allah tetapi tidak berkewajiban memberikan kepada orang lain).
  44. Apa pengertian Rasul....................  ( seseorang  yang mendapatkan wahyu dari Allah  dan berkewajiban memberikan kepada orang lain).
  45. Orang yang tidak beriman kepada rasul disebut................ (Kafir).
  46. Ada berapa jumlah rasul yang wajib kita imani................................( 25 rasul ).
  47. Ada berapakah jumlah sifat wajib bagi seorang rasul....  (4 sifat: sidiq, amanah, tablig dan fathonah).
  48. Apa arti sidiq...................    ( jujur atau selalu  benar ).
  49. Apa arti amanah...................( sanggup diandalkan ).
  50. Apa arti Tabligh....................( memberikan ).
  51. Apa arti Fathanah..................( cerdas ).
  52. Rasul wajib bersifat siddik, tidak mungkin bersifat............. (Kizib/ pendusta ).
  53. Rasul wajib bersifat amanah tidak mungkin bersifat........ (Khianat/ tidak sanggup dipercaya).
  54. Rasul wajib bersifat Tablig , tidak mungkin bersifat...............  (kitman/ menyembunyikan ).
  55. Rasul wajib bersifat Fathanah, tidak mungkin bersifat................... (baladah / bodoh)
  56. Sifat seorang rasul sebagai insan biasa dikenal sebagai ………………………. (sifat jaiz / basyariyah ).
  57. Nabi Muhammad sebagai Khatamin Nabiyyin. Apa arti Khatamin Nabiyyin................... ( Penutup para nabi/ nabi terakhir ).
  58. Apa kiprah seorang rasul.............................. (memberi kabar besar hati dan peringatan dari Allah,membawa kebenaran dsb)
  59. Fungsi rasul sebagai Uswatun  Hasanah bagi para pengikutnya. Apa arti  Uswatun  Hasanah..................... (suri tauladan yang baik )
  60. Rasul-rasul yang yang mempunyai kesabaran, keteguhan serta ketabahan yang luar biasa dikenal...............  ( rasul Ulul Azmi ).
  61. Sebutkan Rasul Ulul Azmi...................................  (Muhammad, Ibrahim, Nuh, Isa dan Musa ).
  62. Siapakah nama anak Nabi Nuh As yang membangkang dan tidak mau mengikuti permintaan Nabi Nuh as................... (KAN’AN).
  63. Siapakah nama ayah Nabi Ibrahim as yang pekerjaannya sebagai pembuat patung berhala……………….. ( AZAR )
  64. Siapakah nama raja yang memperabukan Nabi Ibrahim As....................  (NAMRUZ )
  65. Kemampuan luar biasa yang diberikan Allah kepada rasul-Nya disebut........... (MUKJIZAT 
  66. Mukjizat terbesar nabi Muhammad Saw...........  (AL QURAN )
  67. Perahu besar yang sanggup menyelamatkan umatnya dari ancaman banjir yaitu mukjizat.. ( NUH AS )
  68. Apa mukjizat  Nabi Ibrahim As........................ (TIDAK HANGUS DIBAKAR API )
  69. Siapakah insan pertama………………………….( ADAM  AS ).
  70. Nabi  Nuh as usianya mencapai 950 tahun dan diangkat menjadi rasul  pada usia 450 tahun. Makara selama berapa tahunkah  Beliau berdakwah………… ( 500 tahun)
  71. Selama 500 tahun Nabi Nuh as berdakwah, berapakah jumlah pengikutnya   ( 80 ORANG 
  72. Nabi Huud As diutus kepada bangsa……………….. ( ‘AD )
  73. Nabi Shaleh diutus kepada bangsa ……………………. (SAMUD ).
  74. Apa mukjizat Nabi Shaleh as………………… (Seekor unta yang air susunya sanggup diminum oleh seluruh penduduk bangsa samud)
  75. Siapakah anak Nabi Ibrahim As yang diperintahkan Allah untuk dikurbankan... (ISMAIL AS ).
  76. Siapakah  Nama Nabi yang diutus kepada bangsa Sodom Yordania yang populer pada ketika itu homoseks merajalela.........................  ( NABI LUTH AS ).
  77. Siapakah nama istri Nabi Ya’qub As yang melahirkan Nabi Yusuf dan Benyamin. ...( RAHIL ).
  78. Siapakah nama kedua istri Nabi Ya’qub as yang melahirkan kedua belas anaknya .............(LAISA DAN RAHIL ).
  79. Apa mukjizat nabi  Yusuf As................. (dapat mentakwilkan mimpi ).
  80. Seorang nabi yang dibuang ke sumur oleh saudaranya sendiri.........................................  (NABI YUSUF AS ).
  81. Siapakah nama permaisuri Raja Mesir yang terpesona dengan kecakapan Nabi Yusuf As.......................  ( ZULAIKHA ).
  82. Nabi Syu’aib diutus kepada bangsa.................. (MADYAN ).
  83. Nabi yang populer kesabarannya dalam menderita sakit....................( AYUB AS )
  84. Nabi yang diutus kepada bangsa Israil di jaman Fir’aun.....................( MUSA AS).
  85. Siapakah nama saudara Nabi Musa as yang diangkat menjadi nabi.......... ( NABI HARUN AS) 
  86. Siapakah nama ibunda nabi Musa As................  ( YAKABAD )
  87. Disungai  apakah Nabi Musa as dihanyutkan ibundanya.............  (Sungai NIL )
  88. Apa mukjizat Nabi Musa As...............  (Tongkat bisa menjadi ular raksasa dan sanggup membelah lautan ).
  89. Apa mukjizat Nabi Daud as.................. (Dapat melenturkan besi)
  90. Siapakah nama  Ratu Saba’ yang menyatakan keimanannya kepada Nabi Sulaiman As…………………..   (RATU BILQIS )
  91. Apa mukjizat  Nabi Sulaiman As.......................... (Bisa berbicara dengan binatang, dan sanggup menundukkan jin dan setan ).
  92. Seorang Nabi yang sanggup hidup di  perut ikan hiu...................... (NABI YUNUS )
  93. Nabi yang mempunyai anak pada usia yang sangat tua adalah............(ZAKARIA )
  94. Siapkah nama ibunda  Nabi Isa As................. (SITI MARYAM )
  95. Mukjizat  Nabi Isa AS.................  (dapat berbicara ketika gres lahir, sanggup menyembuhkan orang buta, sanggup menghidupkan orang mati ).
  96. Pada Usia berapakah Nabi Isa As diangkat menjadi rasul....................  ( 30 Tahun )
  97. Seorang pendeta Nasrani yang mengetahui gejala kerasulan Muhammad pada Usia 12 tahun ketika berdagang dengan pamannya Abu Thalib ke negeri Syam......................... (BUKHAIRA )
  98. Pada usia 35 tahun  Nabi Muhammad as  mendapat gelar Al Amin artinya............................. (ORANG YANG DAPAT DIPERCAYA)
  99. Nama asal Madinah........................................ ( YASRIB ).
  100. Nama istri Nabi Muhammad As yang masih gadis ketika dinikahi anaknya Abu Bakar As Sidiq......................... ( AISYAH )
  101. Dari kesebelas Istri Nabi Muhammad yang memberi keturunan ..................... ( KHADIJAH DAN MARIAH BIN SYAM )
  102. Siapakah nama Putra Rasulullah As dari Istrinya Khadijah yang meninggal ketika masih kecil................  (ALQOSIM, ABDULLAH, TAYYIB )
  103. Siapakah nama putra Rasulullah Saw dari Istrinya Mariah bin Syam yang meninggal ketika masih kecil................. ( IBRAHIM )
  104. Siapakah nama putri Rasulullah......................  ( RUQAYYAH, UMMI KULSUM, ZAINAB DAN FATIMAH )
  105. Nama seorang putri Rasulullah Saw yang dinikahkan kepada Ali Bin Abi Thalib... ...................... ( FATIMAH AZ ZAHRA ).
  106. Siapakah nama cucu Nabi Muhammad Saw .....( HASAN , HUSEN DAN MUHASSIN )
  107. Kemampuan luar biasa yang diberikan Allah kepada para wali........(KARAMAH)
  108. Kemampuan luar biasa yang diberika Allah kepada orang-orang salih........... ( MA’UNAH )
  109. Kemampuan  luar biasa yang dimiliki  orang-orang fasik atas izin Allah  ...........( ISTIDRAJ )
  110. Kemampuan luar bisa yang dimiliki orang-orang kafir atau para penjahat dan sanggup dipelajari disebut........... ( SIHIR ).